
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Clearly I can't keep a blog

Well if last month was long overdue, I think this one is passed that. Here you are a lovely 17 month old! You are clearly a genius, tying shoes, spelling words, counting to 86 and really good at persuasive essays. We have already started your college applications.

Actually, you are a smarty pants.

I can't get over your jump in speech. You had been parroting back every sound over the past few months. But now you clearly have a great vocabulary. You stick to 1-2 syllables (which is about where Josie is too) but you say everything flawlessly (at least 80% of the time). You label everything you see and know all your corresponding  animal sounds.

You have nearly all your teeth in at this point, not the three year old ones yet, but the... incisors? And you love brushing them.

You are great at climbing and running but still have a tiny bit of a toddle to your movement.

You have slimmed out a lot. You're tall, nearly as tall as Josie and you have a lot of thick short hair.

You are a snug 24 month top wearer.

You enjoy a good puppet show put on by your sister and anything daredevilish.

You LOVE food. You eat everything with the best of em. I spy a hot dog eating contest vocation in your future. You're still nursing but only for comfort and naps or bedtime now. Which is actually still a good chunk of the day I suppose.

You're down to one nap a day, but you need that nap.

You still love shoes ridiculously. I suppose you always will.

Peek a boo is still a super funny game. Especially if its Josie playing with you. You're better at finding at hide and seek than Josie is -- and sometimes you look at her blankly as if to say, Mommy is right there

You can count to three, though I'm sure you have no idea why.

And you know many,  many, many signs and the funny thing is while Josie has invented her own version of most of them, you do the majority of them correctly rather than like she does.

You come over so I can kiss your boo boos then run off.

You sulk when you don't get your way.

You still love music and dancing (of course). You've got some pretty funky moves too.

I will post at your 18th month check up how chunky you still are and your height percentages.

All in all you are a sweetie and amaze us daily.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Long overdue (14 months)

Well August is almost over and I have been meaning to update the blog in such a long time!

Little Mary, let's see. What can't you do now? Today you stood on the little rocking chair with one foot on each armrest and pumped it with your legs. I am sure I call you daredevil at least a dozen times a day and your balance continues to astound me.

Today you're cutting your first molars. Poor baby. You were pretty grumpy yesterday, which is unlike you, and today I saw them. Two. One on each side on top! Ouch! So at the moment, you're eating really cold cut up grapes and in a much better mood.

So what's new? You have been signing all the basic baby signs and can say all the spoken words Josie knows. You imitate all of Josie's nonverbal gestures and whining while pointing, so I'm sure you'd be talking more if it wasn't for that. You say Neno like Josie instead of Nemo. But it's still super cute. I've heard you say every sound. You generally stay quiet but if there's an inflection or consonant combo you've not yet tried you catch us all off guard. You can say shoe and bump with all their compound complexity Josie probably won't master before another surgery and years and years of therapy.

The other day coming back from the beach (which you are still not 100% on board with the sand and ocean combo), Josie was whining in the backseat so I said with unusual forced emphasis "I LOOOVE you JO-see" And a split second after the words left my mouth, Brian and I both heard "I love you." In a tiny voice! Shocked? yeah. The l and the were both on it, it was just a very small and tiny voice. You have the cutest little timid voice. High pitched and sweet and soft. Oh and the other day driving around I said, "Who wants a Coke icy? Ice-ee, ice-ee, ice-ee?" And Josie said "I-ee" and you said,

What else? You can basically run, wobbly because your legs are still super chunky and so cute. You love to dance and its the funniest thing I've ever seen. Across from Swing and the Monkey.

You definitely have a temper. You want things to go the way you want them to go (sounds like mommy?) and you are very determined to get it to work your way. You were spooning rice into a teapot today and the rice wouldn't stay on the spoon when you tilted it and you were getting pretty frustrated.

What else... Finding Nemo mesmerizes you both. We dance a lot every day. And you love, love, love bath time. Any water play actually. Flour play. oh and painting. You LOVE painting. Well anything messy really. You imitate Josie doing pretend play too, but I don't think you understand why she makes her people dance together, but it's still way adorable.

Your hair is really getting curly. It's still kind of an auburn and your eyes are still blue. Guess they're staying that way! Sure there's more, and more important stuff. Oh your weight is finally around average, 50-70% but if you were just a half an inch taller you'd be in the 95% for height. You are a very tall 14 month old! I can't wait to see how you measure up at 18 months. But let's not hurry to get there ;)

Lastly, you and Josie are still BFFs and love each other though I hate to tell you, she has way more patience for you than you have for her.

All around beautiful baby allstar, math major and pro athlete in the making! Oh and shoes... you are still really, really obsessed with shoes. The other day at mass, I carried Josie's shoes in because she was sleeping and you got SO MAD when I put them on her feet when she woke up. You kept trying to pull them off and shrieking. You love pretty shoes. Let the record show, you love shoes.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

12 month stuff

So little beauty, you had a lot of fun stacking some big chunky blocks today. I have no clue where you are in months per skills since you don't get evaluated every few months or followed on a weekly basis by a team of therapists but I know at worst you're right at normal. No worries from me.

Plus (ssshhh don't tell), I think you're a little ahead.

Anyway, you love to dance, fall down when you don't get your way, and basically are toddling / running now all over! You love scribbling pictures and eating crayons still and anyway, just so I don't forget, here are some skills I'm going to try to foster in you since you are ready for a challenge or two.

Beads in a bottle.
Coins in slot.
Body Parts.
Throwing a ball.
More doodling with crayons.
Stacking small square blocks.

Now I shouldn't forget!