
Sunday, November 28, 2010

My 5 Month Old Little Bean Bag

Let's see Little One. Right now you are falling fast asleep on my lap nursing. You are a great eater, but we still haven't tried any table food just yet. You seem pretty content with mom. As soon as you hit 6 months we'll try some stuff, though I have a feeling you will want it more than I will want you to have it; I am really very content to nurse. Today a lady at the store said you had beautiful eyes and at mass you always make people grin. You are the happiest, smiliest 5 month old there ever was.

You've been sitting now for a little while. Not sure when you first became able to sit because the first time I tried sitting you up, you just sat there looking at me as if to say, what like it's hard? But your sister was twice your age when she finally sat. Which just goes to prove my theory that fat babies have it easy. You just plop down like a little bean bag and there you sit. You don't realize it yet though I don't think because you will turn suddenly to see something and loose your balance -- BUT I am ecstatic to say that you naturally are already putting your hands out to catch yourself, to the front, sides, and even the back sometimes. What else can you do? Roll like a tornado. You have been getting up on all four already but you have no coordination with that yet and fall on your little face :) which is cute. OH and of course, you are already army crawling -- but only to get to your sister who you love beyond all else. I think the ranking is something like this 1) Josie 2) Elmo, 3) Nursing.

Anyway my sweet, lots of love,

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Dear Little Mary girl,

You are amazing! You roll over like a pro and you are only barely 5 months old. You can get from one side of the room to the other in minutes flat, lol. Plus tonight you are pushing up on your arms -- and you're half asleep too. Pretty impressive.

Also, not to be ignored, at 6pm mass tonight, while we were quietly kneeling during the consecration you learned that you could blow raspberries. Well done. Very cute. I couldn't help laughing. Now that you've learned you can teach your sister!

This week you were baptized! Finally! Fr Eddie drove from Crawfordville and did the ceremony of this wonderful sacrament. Welcome to the church baby girl. So nice to be in a church for it rather than a NICU waiting on emergency transport. You were a little grumpy as it was close to 8pm by the time it started.  You were so beautiful in your dress and bonnet -- really sweet. Very pretty. You didn't even cry when the water was poured over your head or when you were anointed (surprisingly). You were incredibly interested in the thing they pour water with. I think its supposed to be a clam shell but to be honest I didn't look at it besides noticing that it was golden. As Fr Eddie passed by your face over your head you tried to throw yourself backward just to get a look. This made us all giggle because it was so adorable of course!

Auntie Robyn and Uncle Derek were your godparents. They didn't hold you besides a couple quick screaming pics; you just don't like anyone but mama to hold you. It's ok with me.

After we went back to your Grandma W's and we had some random stuff and a very sad cake that didn't cool long enough bc I ran out of time. It was a lot of fun and Josie had a blast playing with everyone as she is a definite social butterfly. You kept to daddy's arms.

All in all a wonderful way to watch you grow and see you initiated into the church by the sacrament of baptism. Right now you are playing with a zebra's tail on your floor play mat. And now you are pushing straight up on your arms again and wishing you could get your legs coordinated enough to propel you forward. So ready to go!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Elmo and Mobility

Dear little Mary,

You are far too mobile for 5 months but I don't think you care what I think. You can roll long distances now. You absolutely refuse to sleep on your back and you reach out and grab whatever you are interested in without any trouble. You're pretty amazing. You also are in love with Elmo just like your big sister. No matter what is going on, you hear his voice and you stop what you are doing and stare at the big blob of red monster the entire time he's up there -- even while nursing -- which for the record, you are way too interested in every tiny sound to pay much attention to lately anyway. You make up for that during sleep though. You have to eat all night, but snuggling with you is one of my favorite things in the world. You are starting to do the seperation anxiety thing your sister never did but that I've read about. You barely even want Daddy to hold you. Your baptism is scheduled for Thursday the 18th with Fr Eddie, so hopefully you do not scream too much or for too long being held by someone else. You love water though and baths are your favorite. Mommy has given you licks off my spoon of a few things (lemon ice mainly) which isn't the "correct" way to go about first feeding, but Josie's entry to the world of feeding was nothing but unconventional so I figure, it can't matter too much. I am NOT starting you on infant cereal. That stuff has the worst texture. I will probably give you some cream of wheat depending on your iron levels, but mommy and daddy both love that so you might too!

Anyway, got to go as you are rolling across the floor and its just a matter of time before you find a cheerio.

Love Mommy <3

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Birth Story 6-15-10

Poor little Mary, already over 4 months old and I have neglected your blog. That's ok. I can remember very clearly what happened the day you were born.

I was supposed to be induced at 41 weeks. The pregnancy was incredibly healthy, my amniotic fluid looked awesome,  baby was moving and showing signs that she was happy. Normally 42 weeks is the maximum gestation allowed, and although completely miserable, I was fully ready to have you out, I was also fully prepared to go the whole 42 weeks to make sure you were ready and healthy; however my OB was going out of town and wanted to schedule you to come at 41 weeks. The day I was scheduled to come in, I called and canceled: I could stick it out one more week (and you were so incredibly happy in there).

I wanted you out nonetheless, so I went to Fr Mike Nixon's first mass and had him bless you with the intention of a healthy birth and that you'd please come out on your own already. The doctor's office called to reschedule the induction at 42 weeks exactly, a Wednesday.

Monday night, around 10pm, I knew that I was going to have you soon. I was on FB (of course) and nearly got knocked off my chair with a strong contraction. Owwwww. However after a full day taking care of a toddler, we were pooped, so I said, ok baby you better be coming, but not til morning.

I laid in bed and no joke, every 20 minutes throughout the night I had a horribly crampy contraction. I called my doula and she said because I had an OB check up in the morning to go and see what he said after he checked me. In the morning I was 10 minutes apart and 100% sure you would be coming within the next 24 hours. I went into my OB's office and the ultrasound tech said she was sure he was going to admit me. I went in, got undressed, waited forever for the OB and guess what -- he didn't even check me.

I told him, "I am pretty sure the baby's coming."
He said "Well you're going to be induced tomorrow. I don't need to check you."
And so I said, "Yes well the contractions are about 10 minutes apart. I think the baby is coming soon. Today."

Still we left without being checked. I called the doula and she was pretty convinced now was not the time either (and she lived  good hour away so she didn't want to make the trip for a false alarm when I was being induced the next morning).

Anyway, because I was so sure I'd be admitted, we had dropped Josie off with my mom. Since we were kidlet free, I wanted to see a movie. Toy Story 3 was due out any day... however it was still a few days from being out (UGH) so we went to see Shrek 3 instead... or 4 or whatever and it wasn't that good. But it was okay because during the movie my contractions went to 5 minutes apart. After the movie I called the doula and said I thought the baby was coming but I wasn't entirely sure since it felt different from the contractions I had with Josie (which I was induced by having my water broken).

Leaving the Tallahassee Mall I told Brian I was pretty sure we should get to triage. Brian said, "well didn't you want to get a soft pretzel from the other mall?" I of course did and since no one else was convinced I was having a baby, I figured I wasn't really in labor. My doula told me to keep walking so we drove to the other mall. I was in a LOT of pain and doubting myself incredibly.

We got to Governor's Square and I am lucky I didn't drop the baby there in front of Auntie Annes.

I could barely get IN the mall I was in so much pain but it was literally over 100 degrees out so I made it inside. I could not however make it to the pretzels so I told Brian to run to get it. He left me standing by the railing outside of Macys. I looked everywhere for a place to sit but the only bench anywhere was surrounded by a group of young black guys who were trying very hard to look really cool with their pants on the ground etc lol. Regardless, I limped over and sat on the corner of their bench and they all gave me the weirdest look ever and walked off obviously peeved at me. Then I proceeded to let one tear stream down my face. No one thought I was in labor but me and I didn't know what to do to convince everyone and I figured I was probably just overreacting or something. Pathetic I know.

So we made it back outside into the car and I told Brian to take me to triage to which Brian asked, "Do we have time to go pick up diapers at CVS to drop off with your mom."

I think I burst out crying at this point. "Take me to triage, now!" And Brian said something along the lines of, are you really sure because you don't want to go in and just sit around and stall labor etc. But being a good husband, we went to triage and I ate my pretzel in between contractions which were now 3-5 minutes apart.
Brian called the doula to say, maybe she should get down here. The doula said to let her know what triage says.

We got to the hospital and I barely could walk.We got to the counter and surprise, I had to refill out all the same paperwork I had previously done online. The lady checking me in at the counter was acting obviously annoyed at my lack of attention to her while filling out paperwork. I had to keep stopping every form and would stand and brace myself silently through the contraction and she kept snapping with me, "Uh hello? Do you need the date again? just sign this" etc. All I wanted to do was sit down.

 They had me sit and wait for what felt like an eternity in the waiting room, Brian said it was 5 minutes. He went to get me a drink from the vending machine and I had already been taken back by the time he got back. I tried to hide the fact that the contractions were coming on top of each other pretty quick because I'm pretty sure people were looking at me.

Finally they called me back to pee in a cup and change into a gown inside triage. I could hardly walk and they wanted me to go into a bathroom with no chair -- nowhere to hang my clothes and undress by myself. I was at this point having a LOT of trouble standing. I burst into tears. Somehow I got the gown on and waddled down to the bed. Triage was oddly quiet and empty -- about 6pm on a Tuesday. The nurse asked if I thought I was having contractions. I said, I sure hope so.  She checked me and said, "Girl you are a good 7 cm. That baby will be here in a couple hours." I got the biggest smile in spite of myself, Thank GOD. Tell the doula to get her butt down here NOW. They started an IV for antibiotics since I was Strep B positive.

The doctor oncall was a really lovely lady OB I had never met. I loved her. Mostly because she believed I was in labor. I told her how her colleague had not even checked me that morning (about 7 hours earlier) even though I told him I was sure I was about to have the baby. Of course all the nurses got a huge kick out of that. Everyone told me I handled pain really well. I think I remember other terms like, rockstar and badass. We were joking around and having a good time up until I was wheeled in the room and then I felt like I was literally climbing a wall. At this point I thought an epidural sounded REALLY good. And WHERE THE HELL was my DOULA? I totally blame my doula. I was 9.5 cm and she was not there so I said, screw it can you give me somethin for pushing still? They said, not a full epidural but something. I said thank you very much. They gave me something and the doula made it in as the anesthesia was being administered.

She still helped pass the time as we sat around not in pain waiting to push. My labor slowed with the epi just in time to get the 2nd dose of antibiotics they told me I probably wouldn't have time for. As it started I said I felt as though it was time to push. They checked and it was. I pushed for like 20 minutes (sooo much better than the 2 hrs pushing out Josie LET me tell you). My water broke like 2 seconds before Mary crowned. Everyone was saying, she's already pink and she's not even out yet.

She came out and didn't cry but they said, she's fine she's breathing so well and so pink it doesn't matter. She still isn't much of a crier. She was chunky and beautiful, 8 lbs 1 oz. really long but forgive me I forget the number at the moment. Late Tuesday night, June 15th 2010.

Mary you were BEAUTIFUL from the second I laid eyes on you!

I held you close to me skin to skin and within a couple seconds you had latched all by yourself. You literally picked your head up off of my chest and dropped it down and latched without any help in one try. The doula said she's never seen anything like it. She said she's seen the videos where babies latched themselves but never so quickly. You knew exactly what to do. And I couldn't stop look at you. You were so amazing.

After that they did all the checking and measuring and I was just stunned, in awe, and exhausted. I kept asking for a sandwich. I was STARVING. Someone had promised me a sandwich and I kept asking everyone. No one gave me a sandwich until I got settled onto the next floor and asked someone up there and they got the nurse from the delievery floor to bring me up one since it was her duty. haha. I didn't care I was so hungry.

And you nursed, piece of cake, all night (I even fell asleep holding you while you nursed, don't tell). I didn't let you go except for others to hold you.

I remember particularly everyone holding you and how excited they were, and Grandpa W held you the longest and then when my Uncle Mike came in to hold you, Grandpa asked if he could take you back and hold you some more.

And you checked out so healthy with the doctors. Pulse ox 96%. Rosy and pink.

Well that is your birth story my dear. Textbook straightforward and beautifully perfect! You don't know how relieving it was to finally be one of the moms to walk out of the hospital with their newborn, so happy.