Today you are 20 weeks gestation and we found out you are a girl. I should have known. The story goes, shortly after we had Josie home from Shands, we were walking on a warm day at Tom Brown toward LHS. I said to Brian something like how grateful we are to Mama Mary for holding me through Josie's roughest beginning months and how I thought the novena to St Therese of Lisseux really helped; our intentions were heard and granted. We would be able to go on with the good hope of healthy babies, DNA wholly intact.
So I mentioned something, that I felt we were definitely going to have a boy next whenever that would be. But if it was a girl, born in May, we should name her after Mama Mary in gratitude for her prayers and St Therese for the middle name for interceding.
Well we started being open to life again as soon my depression began to subside and as I could emotionally handle the idea of being pregnant again. We weren't trying at first but my cycle was incredibly hard to follow and we figured that we would probably just be called crazy for conceiving so soon after bringing into the world such a "difficult" baby. But we didn't conceive. And we were sort of shocked. And a little sad. So the next month we decided to maybe be a little more open and see how it went. No baby again. So we decided we would continue being open and faithful and see where it went fully expecting to conceive shortly.
Six months later (from the start) and after 2 negative pregnancy tests, I didn't even realize I was late. I went to bed thinking, wow I'm a week late and didn't even notice. So the next morning without saying anything (girls who've had the disappointment of a negative pregnancy test will know why), first thing bright and early, I took the test. Minutes later I looked down and there it was. My results: one very dark pink line and one tiny, faint pink line slowly coming to view. We were pregnant.
Brian was getting dressed and I came out with a huge grin. Priceless reaction -- he asked, "What? Did you knock my toothbrush into the sink or something?" Nope and pulling him over to the bed, I told him and he grinned like me and the rest, well its been smooth sailing so to speak. The symptoms a bit heavier than with Josie, mainly a lot of migraines, migraine auras and nausea and of course the lovely round the clock "morning" sickness. But I am thankful for it because it could have been worse, subsided (and traded with the headaches) by the 2nd trimester, and even the migraines are getting milder into just sinus headaches. So I honestly can't complain. And besides, that's supposed to be a sign of a healthy pregnancy -- good hormone levels etc.
Anyway, so how should I have know it would be a girl? Well due June 1, I figured that was my chance to have a boy knowing full well though that second pregnancies usually deliever earlier than late. That would bring a girl in May. Mary Therese like we promised. I couldn't be more pleased.
Today we went for the 20 week ultrasound, Mary dear, and saw your 4 chambered heart, 1 lovely aorta and even all the main arteries that branch off. We got a little scared when it took awhile to find the pulmonary one, but it was there. We checked out your lips on the screen, lovely closeup, and they look smooth and full already. No clefts. And your face looks longer than Josie's but really poetically beautiful. I am going to be in trouble with such beautiful girls. Better get a brother in there soon to watch out for you for me.
Sister whined a little for me while I was getting the ultrasound. But daddy entertained her well with all sorts of distractions. I can't wait for you two to meet. You better always be good to each other, and when I say that I really mean you. I have a feeling things may come naturally and easier for you than your sister (well that and research) and I know I will always be able to trust you to protect and look out for your sister and she will always unconditionally love you. It feels so good to know I am bringing another little girl into the world. I pray for your holiness and a holy reservation and good prudence. I think St Gemma would be a good patron for you, but maybe someone else will make themself known. Who knows, you may have a sister Gemma in some years.
Well my Mary dear, God bless you and have fun in my belly. Labor is not really that fun, but oh how I look forward to meeting you on the outside. No going into shock or complications please. Grow healthy, strong and big. My good girl :)
Your mama.
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