Let me tell you, healthy babies are a piece of cake. Heck, they're easier than that -- they're a nice, surreal cake smoothie or something. No effort required. They eat, they poo, they burp, they say dadada and mamama with no effort. They get over colds appropriately. They are stimulated by the appropriate stimulants and they initiate oral exploration and generally want to find out about people and things. They sit straight when you sit them, they do things the first time they try it sometimes, and know how to fall and how to catch their balance. The crawl on time, or even ahead of schedule. They want to walk. They don't need therapy 4 times a week. They look chunky, healthy and the right size and people don't offend you when they guess their ages. They nurse and enjoy food, right off the bat! They don't need multiple operations or come missing pieces or parts. Totally, completely, healthy babies are surreal and crazy and amazing and I am loving it. And this is just off the top of my head lol.
Mary is blowing my freaking mind.
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